ADD/ADHD Information

Please note that comments made in any of the articles are no substitute for professional medical advice, given to you personally and are only intended as a guide, purely for information only.

Information - Linked Disorders

We are often asked about some of the other Medical Conditions which are Linked to ADD/ADHD. So below you will find some of the various Criteria for a number of these. We will try to add to these as time goes on but hope that for now some of the information below will be helpful.

  1. Apraxia

  2. AS or Asperger Syndrome / HFA or High Functioning Autism

  3. Autistic Disorder

  4. Autistic Spectrum Disorders - ASD

  5. Bipolar Disorders

  6. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

  7. Conduct Disorder

  8. DAMP

  9. Developmental Apraxia of Speech

  10. Developmental Dyspraxia / Developmental Coordination Disorder

  11. Dyslexia

  12. Dysgraphia

  13. Fragile X

  14. Hyperlexia

  15. Nonverbal Learning Disorder

  16. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  17. Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  18. Panic Disorder

  19. Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) NOS

  20. Prader-Willi Syndrome

  21. Rett's Disorder

  22. Semantic Pragmatic Disorder

  23. Separation Anxiety Disorder

  24. Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

  25. Tourette Syndrome

  26. Tuberous Sclerosis