ADD/ADHD Information

Please note that comments made in any of the articles are no substitute for professional medical advice, given to you personally and are only intended as a guide, purely for information only.

Information for Partners

  1. How Do You Cope With An ADD Spouse?

  2. How a Partner's Untreated Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity (ADHD) Affects Relationships

  3. The Impact of ADHD on Marriage

  4. Why a Support Group for Partners of People with AD/HD?

  5. The Psychosocial Functioning of Children and Spouses of Adults With ADHD

  6. ADHD and Marital/Family Satisfaction: A preliminary study

  7. ADD and Intimate Relationships

  8. Marriage and AD/HD: A Couple's Survival Guide

  9. Relationship Issues for Adults with ADHD