March 20th 2005 updated April 6th 2005

Sponsored Fun Run
Completed well done Joolz

One of our regular Forum Mums - Joolz - has decided that she is entering a 4 mile Fun Run on Sunday April 3rd 2005 and she is doing this in aid of

Joolz was very unsure about bringing this to the site or the forum boards as she felt that people would be a bit reluctant to want to sponsor her as there are already a couple of sponsored events by others going on at the moment. Thing is when she told me this I thought that it was only right to at least give everyone the oportunity to at least send her messages of support and then leave it up to individuals if they wanted to sponsor her as well.

So therefore if anyone would like to encourage Joolz in this maybe they could fill out the form below and send it to us here at to pledge your support by sponsoring her a small amount for every mile.

All donations at the end can then be sent to us here at either by using PayPal or by sending direct to our land address at 45 Vincent Close Broadstairs Kent CT10 2ND England. This means that no matter where in the world you are you can still sponsor and support Joolz as PayPal can accept payments from anywhere via a credit card and we can accept other forms of payments as well.

I really hope that many folk will encourage Joolz in this 4 mile Fun Run and send her your encouragement and support and in doing so you are not only helping Joolz but too.

Update 6th April 2005

WELL DONE JOOLZ you did it in a great time too - 50 minutes for the 4 miles, much better than I think I could manage my love so you did great.

It now leaves those of you who pledged cash for Joolz to start to dig deep and pay up to her direct or you can click on the PayPal donate button on this page and do it that way and it will come direct to us here at and we will let Joolz know each time someone sends something in.

Will update you all on how much was made in total when the cash starts rolling in folks!

Joolz is going to write a short bit about the fun run when she is a bit more recovered and she says there is a photo she will send too so when that all arrives I will add her story for you all to read.

BTW she wore her T-Shirt with pride!

To see list of sponsors so far: Click Here.

