Argentinian ADD/ADHD Support Groups

Please note that all the support groups listed are independent and are not part of, or affiliated to, This list is as accurate as we can make it. We apologise if you find any contact details that are out of date, incorrect or there are other groups which we don't know about. If you have any information on additions, corrections etc., then please contact us here.

Argentinian Web Site

Buenos Aires
CHAD Argentina
Suipacha 2445
Buenos Aires
la Fundacion Trastorno Por Deficit de Atencion e Hiperactividad
Ernestina Montefusco de Pergolini soy Presidente
Castelli 313
Drive 4
Code Postal 1704 Bunches Mejia
Prov. Bs.As.
Telef Fax: (011) 4658-1515
Website: TDAH

The above information was kindly supplied by Dr. Fernando Garcia-Castano.