Creative ADDers

I Really Love This Child

By Sarah-Jayne

I really love this child
Despite his ADD
Pardon, what did you say?
What's ADD,
Attention Deficit Disorder,
Hyperactivity too,
What do you mean
That's nothing to you?
You see him kick and
Hear him scream
Run off and swear
You look in amazement
What do I care?
Yes it hurts when you say
That he is just naughty
Control him and tell him off
What you may not see
Is the side which is loving
Cuddly and scared
He needs extra Loving and care
You still look puzzled
I'll explain a bit more
It's neurological
A chemical imbalance
Don't stand there amazed
I know he looks normal
And so he is too
He just needs to be loved and accepted
Like a lot of us do
Whatever he does
There's no malicious intent
We all have our faults
Not one of us is perfect
So try to accept
And find his true worth.

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