Creative ADDers

My Darling Son

By Gill

You are so special
How much I just could never show
Each time I look at you
I feel an ache in my heart
I see your frustration,your anger,your pain
I know how hard you try
Just to fit into this life.
You battle with yourself and everyone else
And try to understand the world your in
You see things different
Find it hard to comprehend
You must feel everythings against you
Always hearing no,don't,stop,can't
Your just a little boy
With a heart of gold
So much love,caring,compation.
I show so much anger
I am so,so sorry for that
It's not you I'm angry with
It's me,this world,everyone else
I'm angry with myself for not giving you enough
For not being more patient
For not always getting it right
For not being able to give you all you need
For not finding you enough help and surport
For not being able to meet all your wants and needs
For causing you more pain this I just can not bare
I fight for your present,your future,your life
I want you to be the best you can be
I want to nurture your talents
Build you a future thats bright
Bring joy to your life
See that twinkle in your eye
I love you so deeply
You are so very,very special to me
Please forgive me for being me.


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