Creative ADDers

Through The Eyes Of A Child With ADHD

Author Unknown

Please tell me that you love me,
for I need to be accepted in your eyes.
Please let me know when I have done well,
for I need to know that sometimes I am like other children.

Please share some of your thoughts with me,
for my intelligence is not what is impaired.
Please bother to correct me and keep me in line as much as necessary.

I cannot steer myself.
Please learn all you can about my problem.
I need understanding as well as discipline,
Give me your patience, because although it takes me longer,
I need to succeed just like all the other children.

Please make time in your day for me.
I need to feel that attention and affection you want to give.
I will not go away if you pretend I'm not there.

Remember that I am a complex person with many traits that are right and fine.
Pleases help me see those things in myself.
You are my mirror.
Please do not abuse me.

For although I need a firmer hand than most,
I feel lost and alone when I see rejection in your eyes.
I have no motive and all I can do is say "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Please remember that I love you,
for you stand beside me day after day in this confusing and frightening world.
You are the reason I am not alone.

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