Creative ADDers

Yo Dudes

By Barry

Barry drew this great picture when he was a bit younger, about 9 or 10, he has given permission via his mum for us to put this on the Creative ADDers Section. His mum wrote to us and said "I've attached a picture for your creative adders section. I found it on my son Barry's desk when he was about 9 or 10, along with some other squiggles. I was very upset and hid it away for years before I found it again. I felt it was very significant but it upset me very deeply. I think it really expressed how small and insignificant he felt about himself - a measure of his poor self esteem at the time. There is a happy ending, now he's a happy & successful 23 year old so it's less painful for me to look at! It was one of the many motivators behind me wanting to help those with ADD."

The good thing about this now however is that Barry has grown up and is now 23 years old and has been through University and now has a good job and his own place to live. So his mum says she hope this will give some encouragement to others whose children are still young that things can work out really well for our children when they are given the right help and support.

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