Creative ADDers


By Lea

This is for the children
Who live in worlds which don't sit still
The worlds which move faster than a laser of light,
The young people who become adults and thank G-d know they have a problem
The difficulty called ADHD

Did you know that some people live in worlds?
Where they just can't remember what they just read?
Cant recall things some take for granted
These people find there always on the go,
'hey mom do you think that Duracell need a realistic actor for their batteries?'

Can you stop, think and comprehend?
For if you can well if you do it without much thought
Your one up on those like me.

I mean imagine a world,
Where its so hard to focus,
You remember at last what is asked but by then your assignment is 3 years late.

And why did you just act in the ways you did?
And don't tell me that you simply 'cant remember'
There is no excuse for bad behaviour,
Even in the heads of those who are said to be a challenge.

Walking the wilderness of life,
From one hurdle to the next,
Accidentally upsetting one and other
If only they knew how hard it is to live like you.

Within educational establishments your perceived as 'awkward'
They say you fidget and squirm,
Tapping a foot on the floor
And clicking the pen from on to off,
Sadly the motor within is not that easy to control.

You say for life your sorry
You don't mean to destroy and make me worry,
But above all

At least now we know you have this blessing
Known as ADHD

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