Creative ADDers


By Joshua aged 8

Joshuas mum wrote to us saying that she helped put all the words Joshua could think of that made sounds of fireworks. Mum then put it into a Poem and so between themselves came up with this creative work.

Screaming, Screeching Fireworks,
this is what it does to me,
I Jump in the air with
excited fear,
my ears prickle with the sound of a
great Big Blast,

A bigger and harder Bang it shakes the ground
then again a Bang!!
They tumble all
around me,
the sun torched hissing hiss,
and they have shot me,

Wham they slam, a clap then a
flash of freaky fizzle.
My heart hot and beating so fast, a
constant explosive Glitz
Shiny, tiny,
lights, way up high,
Sprinkle a
sparkling crisp twinkle.

vibrant glittery galore,
Crowds of people
sing wow and wee
A sizzling dash of Chaos gives impressive pictures
of a sky in battle or a war to bee,
Rat a tat
tat, clip a tee clop
They whiz until they
crash. And then smash,
The flash
pierce my eyes,
pop, BA-dunk, zip, spree,
A whoosh then the most glorious
Sweet Riot dazzling before me.

By Joshua Age 8 ½ years old and his mother Keran

5th November 2005

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