Creative ADDers

Special Kids / Extra Special Parents

By Caroline

We all know how much we love our kids it is just that things get on top of us at times when really we can't cope anymore or at least we think we can't

Our children have special problems and they need special parents to care for them

Our children have special abilities and they need special parents to help them achieve these

Our children were given to us especially because there are other parents out there who would be less able to cope than perhaps we can

This is a total honour for us and it makes us as parents particularly special people too


1 We are the parents who are prepared to stand up and fight for our children

2 We are the parents who work hard to get them the services they need and deserve

3 We are the parents who will love our children with total and unconditional love

4 We are the parents who will go to the ends of the earth to find things out to help our children

5 We are the parents who will go without to make sure our kids do not miss out

6 We are the parents who enjoy our children successes with them

7 We are the parents who will wipe up the tears of the small unsuccessess (I don't use the word failure)

8 We are the parents who want our kids to fulfil their full potential

9 We are the parents who will allow our children the chance to grow in an atmosphere of support - acceptance and most of all love


1 Our children are the children who are loving and affectionate

2 Our children are the children who are out there and in our faces

3 Our children are the children who stand out in a crowd

4 Our children are the children who want to succeed

5 Our children are the children who can go against the flow and be individual

6 Our children are the children who are there with us when we need that added hug

7 Our children are the children we have been given to nurture and support and love to the ends of the earth and back again

8 Our children are the lights of our lives and the sun moon and stars in our skies

9 Our children are the most wonderful treasures we will ever know in all of our lives


Between us we are the parents and children who fit together perfectly at all times no matter if good or bad - happy or sad

Hands in the glove - foot in the shoe - filling in the sandwich

We are the parents of the most wonderful children in the whole wide world

They are the kids of the most wonderful parents in the whole wide world

And we are the families who are there to carry on with love through all the times we share no matter what.

By Caroline

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