Creative ADDers

ADHD The 'Hidden' Disability

By Gina

ADHD the 'hidden' disability
Emotions overshadow the ability
"Tidy your room" I hear myself say
"But I only just did it", "when", "yesterday".

I've had it; I'm at the end of my tether
How is this family going to make it together?
Support and a friend is now what I need
Someone who understands and can help me to heed
The advice, when given, seems easy to try
But when I'm alone I just sit down and cry.

The school 'phone again, 'he's out of control'
Just when we felt we had mastered it all
Never giving up, although often despairing
We are your parents and we'll never stop caring.

Criticism is valid, but make it constructive
Help is what's needed to make him productive
Trying so hard to build self-esteem
We don't want to have a dysfunctional teen
Medicine and support help your self-control
Making life so much easier for all.

Grow wise dear child it will soon be behind you
You'll look back and wonder why no one could find you
Locked in your world where no one understood
We tried and we tried, but no body could.

Remember we love you and always will
It wasn't your fault you could never stay still
Why is it that only we could see?
The blue eyed angel you often could be
It's because our love comes deep from within
We must all keep on trying and together we'll win.

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