Creative ADDers

My Boy

By Carolyn from Ayrshire, Scotland - Added July 8th 2016

You don't understand him, so please do not judge,
He is loving and caring and holds not a grudge.

Yes he's annoying, impulsive and loud,
But with it he's clever and makes his mum proud.

Yes he is punished and taught right from wrong,
But sadly his mind won't remember for long!

Some teachers dislike him, but please spare a thought,
His inattentive mind is not easily taught.

He cannot sit still and he plays very rough,
But inside my boy his heart is not tough.

He hurts and he cries, he hears what you say,
Would you treat a physical problem this way?

ADHD may be in his mind,
This does not mean you cannot be kind.

So next time you see a child who is sad,
Think of the problems he or she may have had.

I love my boy and I wrote this to show,
Never judge someone's child....
There's a lot you don't know.

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