Creative ADDers


By Chris (aged 16)

Depressed, lost and messed in the head,
Every morning I've come to dread,
Waking up in pain,
Pain of the brain,
Never knowing when I'm going to be sane,
Watching my life slowly p*****g down the drain,
The good moments outnumbered by bad,
Outside I'm cool, but inside I'm sad,
The problems and worries can't drag me down,
I'm wishing this is true, but I'm starting to drown,
The sea of insanity taking me away,
I don't want to go, I just want to stay,
Trying to keep the same,
But I'm out of the game,
Knowing where I'm going I'm out in the rain,
Pushing my hassles to the back of my mind,
But they keep popping up, time after time,
Knowing what to do,
But haven't got the power,
Regretting all my life hour after hour,
I'm not like the rest,
I could be the best,
To the life of enjoyment I'm only a guest.

Down memory lane,
Trying to push it on others, giving them the blame,
It's all my fault and I'm trying to put it right,
Going against the system, putting up a fight,
I could never win,
Living in sin,
I just can't deal with it,
Keep turning it in,
The old times were great,
Where laughs came cheap,
But the hills back to those days are steeper than steep.

Looking to the future,
Hoping it will change,
But I've got to put the effort in,
My dreams are in range,
Help myself out,
Instead of sitting there oblivious,
Trying to laugh the problems out,
Determined to win,
Good overriding sin,
Putting bad times in the bin,
It'll all get better, I know it in my heart,
The only thing I could determine,
Is when it's going to start,
Please lend a hand,
I can't do it alone,
Still got a foot in the 'Bad Boy Zone',
Help me pull it out,
It'll be like a dream,
Life will be a bath full of strawberries and cream!

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