Creative ADDers

Watching You Sleep

By Anon

Here I stand
Watching you sleep,
Angelic, so peaceful
My darling Child.

I stand and I watch
Amazed, full of love,
How can I have wished
Only minutes ago,
That you would just
Give me Space

You are You
I am Me,
We are so alike
Why can't I just see.

You and I
With our cluttered brains
And implusive thoughts
Both the same with our ADD
We clash and we clatter
Like cymbals in a band

You make me so mad
I don't seem to understand
Why you do what you do
Yet I am the same

You are in my face
Don't give me space
But then, you must feel the same
So much going on in our brain

We are just so alike
Two peas in a pod
No wonder we fight
Each other we wind
So tight like a spring
We then just fall apart

But I really still Love you
I wish I could explain
How much you mean
How we are so much the same

Maybe One Day
We will know we are different
But that will not matter
We will be in control
We will agree
We are just so much the Same.

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