Creative ADDers


By Renee aged 14

Silently wishful
Don't know
What will?
Be tomorrow
One mistake
A little noise
Wrong time
To be

Wonder need
No one but he
Wants can't
Needs to
Let me out
My mind wonders

Slowly surely
Falling apart
Pretty petty
Skin and bones
Hunger lavishes
Moan and groan
One steals
Another's feelings finally show

To be forced
To live and grow like that
Sunshine is needed
Darkness is essential
Two souls with big hearts
Help and bring news
Daring all, getting everything

Then 'bang'
It is all gone
In an instant
Things change
Hearts left
Separated forever
Will they survive alone?
All did not but one

He ventures back
To see what's left
Finds a special thing
Belonging close to his heart
Remembering all
Tears bad
Evil thing
Damn the man who did this.

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