Creative ADDers

Mika by Mom

By Christen

I knew from the day you were born,
you were different
Was it all the crying
or the intent of your stare?

The worry I felt
when your words did not come
The way you seemed endless
in a whirl of your own

Not adcepting the name
it could not be,
the word ADHD,
I just could not hear

It was not till I saw in your eyes
you knew you were different
I was punishing you
for me not accepting

My heart breaks
and I still often cry
If I see you won't join
because it would be too difficult
to concentrate that long

So I try different things
to give you confidence
and know in my heart
I am the most blessed,
in the world
to have you with me
If you were not here
right by my side
I could not see
the world through
through your eyes

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