Creative ADDers

The Skool Day

By Dominic - aged 13½

The skool is a prison locking the children in the building
Like dangerous criminals from 9 till 3:50

The teachers eyes moving through the children shiftily

The children made to work
Like slaves treated like dirt

Across the barran playground flys a lone seagull
Circles the children the way a vulture circles its prey
Waiting for it to die

And then a trio of beeps breaks the silence
As the children walk wearily to the inevitable doom of their next class

But then as the skool seems to be a ghost skool
The trio of beeps comes back again

And then out flock the children in herds
To their 20 minute freedom

As the 20 minutes end the children are rounded up
And taken to their next class

1 hour later the children charge out of the classrooms
Some running as far away from the skool as possible
Trying to get out

As they near the fence they notice a teacher
One of the mindless emotionless drones
Controlled by their headmaster catching up fast

Then the teacher catches one of them and takes him to the office,
The room where people go in but never come out

The rest of the children are led back into skool

2 hours later the children are free from the shackles of skool
But only until tomorrow
When the skool day will start all over again

Sending the children to work like slaves all over again
But no one can save them now

Because in skool no one can hear you scream.

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