ADD/ADHD Information

EDF Energy Trust

Possible Financial Help For EDF Energy Customers

EDF Energy Trust - Help with bills

Are you an EDF Energy customer in debt and struggling to meet your bills???

The EDF Energy Trust may be able to clear your gas/electric debt

Thanet District Citizens Advice Bureau are funded by the EDFET to provide money advice and to assist clients with applications to the Trust. You DO NOT need to live in Thanet to receive help with an application. as telephone advice can be given where appropriate

You must be currently supplied by EDF Energy and be the account holder.

The Trust MAY also consider payments for gas/electric debts to other utility suppliers, bankruptcy/DRO fees or energy efficient white goods

The service we provide is free, confidential and impartial and you will not have to pay back anything if an award is made.

For money advice and help with an EDF Energy Trust fund application:

Phone: 01843 229696 (this is a designated phone line and only enquiries relating to the EDF Energy Trust will be taken)
Or attend our drop in service at Old Town Hall, Market Square, Margate CT9 1EU: Mon-Thurs 9.30-11.30

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