ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies


Debbie wrote to us about beCALM'd:

My son was on Adderall, but suffered several of the side effects. I found beCALM'd, and within 2-3 weeks, I'd weaned him off the Adderall and he's been doing great. He finished school with good marks and a great report from his teacher and principal.

I'm an independent distributor for NeuroGenesis. My web site is

Beth wrote to us about beCALM'd:

"Dear Simon

Another success story! I had to write to you. Within one week of taking just one to two Be Calm'd capsules a day I can function again.

I had tried everything (antidepressants, diet pills, and in the old days--9 years ago-- cocaine and crack) to alleviate my chronic depression. I am a compulsive overeater as well.

But I don't smoke or drink or do drugs. After a week of your product which you think may be of interest to those with ADD/ADHD, I have my sense of humor back, I am not thinking of killing myself, I can do my many chores every day, I am not telling off my co workers or my mother or my alcoholic boyfriend and I am ready to embark on a major lifestyle change of eating better, walking, going out and having a little social life again!!

All this from the most ugly, unappreciated, abused, hurt, unsociable, angry, resentful person that you can imagine!! My thinking is sharper at work and I am more rational about what I can take on for others and when I need to rest and take care of myself.

Oh, well, you get the idea. It is truly a miracle! I am almost enjoying my drudge of a life again!! Now I know that is contradictory, but I am clear enough to see where improvements need to (and can) be made in my life--before,I just felt trapped.

I am even trying to start a new relationship with a much nicer person will happen in time. Now, after Be Calm'd, I might even have the courage to say "yes" instead of hiding from everyone...!!

The only thing that is holding me back now is my weight and I know that I can lose some of that, now that my mental state is finally so much better!

I am very grateful that I have found something that REALLy helps! My life has been a nightmare.

Sincerely, Beth"

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