ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies

"Buried Treasure ADD Attention"

Bob in Califronia writes.......

"My son has ADD/ADHD

I have found that by watching his diet closely and limiting sugar and sweets he seems to do much better. We also require him not to skip meals and eat protien at all meals. Also he takes daily vitamins and Ginko. We recently added a supplement from a local health food store called Buried Treasure ADD Attention. It is made by lifeline foods in Pikeville TN. Its main ingredients are B1 B2 B3 and B6 as well as Grape seed extract, Lemon balm, Gota Cola DMAE and others. This stuff works. (I have no connection with this company)

We have also found that he needs a very structured classroom and strict teacher. A classroom enviorment with a lot of "free time" equals disaster. As others have found people with ADD learn differently but often they are as smart or smarter than other children. Indeed they show an affinity for computers and certain programs.

All the Best"

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