ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies

Chamomile - Matricaria chamomilla

The following is excerpted from the Health Search newspaper published by Wilson Publications, Owensboro, KY 42303

Chamomile is mild sedative, used customarily in mild sleep disorders, particularly in children. It helps digestion and nervous stomach, soothes upper respiratory tract, is also antibacterial and promotes wound healing.

In Germany, chamomile (matricara) extracts alone or in combination are a component of more than 90 licensed medicines. The German Kommission E Monograph states that chamomile has no contradictions, side effects or interactions.

According to the Naturopathic Book of Herbal Formulas chamomile is an excellent nervine that relaxes and tones the nervous system and is especially useful in treating digestive problems such as gas, colic, or ulcers produced by anxiety. It is safe for children of all ages in treating nervousness or teething pain and can be added to the bath water. Chamomile is a sleep aid, a mild antimicrobial and an anti-catarrhal helpful in removing excess mucous in the sinus are.

German chamomile has been used since ancient times in treating colic, diarrhea, indigestion, insomnia, infantile convulsions, toothache, bleeding and swollen gums.

Cynthia wrote to us about her experience with Chamomile....

I have been drinking chamomile for years (although I discovered it as a soak for my poor toes after ballet point class) and have found it to be the perfect before bed drink. When my son was young he had terrible cholic and, having tried everything else, I made a mild solution of chamomile tea for him. It seemed to work. Now, years later, he has been diagnosed with adhd and chamomile remains his favorite bedtime drink. He says it relaxes him and helps him get to sleep. He often asks for it in thhe middle of the day when he just needs a little break. It has no side effects and tastes quite good with honey. Worth a try.

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