ADD/ADHD Natural Remedies


Greta recently wrote to us with the following information about Zan.......

"I just wanted to say that your site is absolutely fantastic. My son has been diagnosed as ADHD since the age of 18 months, and went on to ritalin at the age of six. He spent a year on Ritalin, but always had trouble eating. Over this summer I have taken him off ritalin and started him on the natural alternative ZAN. He has now been taking ZAN for three weeks and the difference in him is remarkable. He is a happy, but bubbly child. I am not suggesting that zan is the total cure, but his first week back at school has brought comments like "terrific", "a happy day" etc. There is still some way to go, but he now feels in control of himself (something that he did not feel on Ritalin). Zan has had the effect of calming him without the side effects that he was suffering whilst on Ritalin. Please don't think that I am anti-Ritalin, as a parent there were times when I think I would do almost anything to achieve a calmer son. Indeed this was the reason that I first put him on Ritalin. However, since taking Zan he is really happy. As he told me this weekend: " I feel better taking the one tablet (zan) than taking the white ones (Ritalin)".

Greta has just emailed us back to say that unfortunatly Zan does not seem to be working for her son anymore.............

"Unfortunately since last e-mailing you, the Zan compound that my son was taking is not proving to be effective. During the initial two weeks there were no major difficulties with his behaviour, but obviously I jumped the gun. During the third week his behaviour deteriorated and he had now returned to a low Ritalin dose. I realise that this pattern may just apply to my son."

Linda wrote.............

"My son has been using Zan for about a year now. Although it doesn't make him perfect, it has really helped alot, especially with his social skills/ability to get along with people. With the help of Zan, together with homeopathy & avoiding food sensitivities, he is about 85% better. "

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