UK Research Project

Research study investigating stress, emotion regulation and coping in caregivers of children with complex needs in the UK and Republic Of Ireland

Carol Delaney sent us the following:

"Dear Parents,
I am a mature student at Edinburgh Napier University and for my master's thesis I am investigating stress, emotion regulation and coping in caregivers of children with complex needs in the UK and ROI. I am particularly interested in how stress and coping is managed in caregivers that have many demands such as other children or a condition that has physical and psychological demands. Another consideration is the impact of the severity of the condition. I am comparing groups with parents of typically developed children. This is a subject close to my heart as I have 3 children with conditions including Asperger's Syndrome, Agoraphobia, Anxiety and Dyspraxia/Dyslexia. The intention of this study is to link in with other research to work on practical strategies that can help caregivers experiencing high stress levels.

As part of this, I am looking for participants to take part in my study. The online study takes about 20 minutes to complete. Anyone that is a caregiver of a child or children under the age of 18 can participate."

Click here for the online study

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