Mood mAPPer Participant Recruitment

We are inviting teenagers aged between 12-18 years who struggle with concentrating, impulsivity or sitting still to help us study how young people's moods go up and down in everyday life using a new app

We will ask both parent and teenager some questions during a meeting (approx. 1.5hrs) at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at Denmark Hill, London. The teenager will also be given a new Mood mAPPer device for 1 week to carry around. This is an iPod with an app that will ask the teenager to quickly (2mins) rate their mood while they are 'out and about' a few times during the day. The results of this study will be helpful in understanding mood changes in young people and the development of appropriate treatments.

Young people between the ages of 12-18 years who speak English proficiently, have not history of neurological, psychotic or autistic disorder, and are not taking psychoactive medication/are happy to interrupt their medication for 1 week are eligible to take part in the Mood mAPPer Project together with their parents.

As a thank-you, the teenager will be given a voucher (love2shop or Amazon) of up to £35! Travel expenses for both teenager and parent will also be reimbursed.

If you are interested in taking part or wish to find out more, please contact the research team via phone: 07940 407 664, email: or leave your contact details via this link so the Mood mAPPer team can get In touch with you: Mood mAPPer- Contact Me Form!

This study has been approved by the NHS Ethical committee NRES Hampstead (ref: 15/LO/1019)

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