ADD/ADHD Resource Reviews Book Review

Real Solutions For Living With ADHD by John H Timmerman

An excellent book which focuses on many of the positive things of ADHD and gives loads of ideas and practical advice to help give some of the negative issues a more positive and successful outcome.

Having been bought up with a Christian and Church background I have, over the years since having problems with my own son, found some very misguided people within the Church/Christian communities who have, in actual fact, rather than help and support have been very discouraging and at times downright rude and unhelpful towards our family. I have been told that my child's problems, both before and since being diagnosed with ADHD, have been either my fault and that I need to pray more to become a better parent to some people offering to pray to get the devil out of him. Both extremes and all in-between have been levelled at me and my family from those who you would normally turn to for support.

This book is absolutely brilliant in the fact that written from a Christian perspective the author acknowledges that ADHD is a real condition and offers help and encouragement not condemnation. Helping us to draw on Gods strength for help, peace, reassurance and guidance.

This is a must for all those who have faced reactions like I have to show that God does care for all of us and that ADHD is not a punishment from God or the sign of being possessed.

Real encouragement for all in conditional support and guidance.

A must for all those involved in Ministry, especially those who work with children to help them learn how to encourage and support those affected with ADHD. A must also who want positive encouragement and advice to overcome some of the problems which can be associated with having ADHD or a child with ADHD and the overall impact this has on daily lives.

Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) -