ADD/ADHD Resource Reviews Review

InnerTalk CD's
by Inner Talk

Through the use of natural sounds and subliminal positive statements these are meant to be used for a set period every day with maximum effect after about 30 days.

I listened to the CD for ADHD and also to the CD for Positive Interactions for Young People.

I found it very hard to ensure that I did listen to these for the full amount of time, 30 minutes, every day and to make sure that I did listen to them every day for the full 30 days.

I am afraid that I found them to be very irritating. The natural sounds were very coarse to me and I must admit I found I developed a headache when listening to them.

I also found that I was concentrating really hard to hear the underlying voices to catch the positive statements.

I know that the idea is that you don't listen for the statements but you leave it for the sub conscience to take them in. But I was trying to pick out which ones were being said.

The actual base noises as I said I found to be coarse, by this I mean I did not find them to sound natural. The sound of waves just seemed like crackling to me.

I can see that if this was used by someone who truly believes that subliminal reinforcement works for them they would find these CDs to be really helpful as they are full of positive statements which are particular to the topic. For example the ADHD statements include:

"I can think before I act" and "I pay attention" among around 70 other similar statements.

Therefore they are specific to the topic.

I can also see that if they are played when in a state of relaxation for example just before falling asleep then maybe they would work better for some people as their sub conscience may be more open to the statements and they would not be concentrating to hear each one being said

Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) -

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