ADD/ADHD Resource Reviews Book Review

The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder
by Demitri Papolos MD and Janice Papolos

This book is a great source of information about the little known or talked about disorder Bi Polar which is now becoming recognised as affecting children as well as adults. The authors have put a lot of effort into compiling information, research and the personal experiences of many parents, making this book one of the most comprehensive of its kind.

The only problem I had was I had to read this in small sections to enable me to even start to absorb the impact Bi Polar has on the lives of families. Not having a child with Bi Polar myself it is hard to fully understand what the child and the families go through. I did find some parts of the book a bit complex, particularly those, which spoke of some of the scientific details.

However, this is a must for those who live or work with children with Bi Polar. It really is everything you need to know.

Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) -