ADD/ADHD Resource Reviews Book Review

Only a Mother Could Love Him by Benjamin Polis

Only a Mother Could Love Him

Ben is a 20-year-old from Australia and he has written this book by looking back over his own experiences of life and how difficult things have been for him and his family.

For years he was shunned by others and his family lost many friends, how true this is of all of us who have been through this experience!, and how for years they did not know what was causing the problems he faced. It wasn't until he was around 12 years old that he was diagnosed as having ADHD and then given medication. This helped things for him.

He uses extracts from his school reports to show the challenges he faced through the years and recalls vividly the teachers who helped him as well as those who didn't.

Ben is now succeeding in life and only takes medication when he feels he needs to.

A wonderful book which helps parents to see things from the ADHD child's view and give encouragement to them in ways to help and support their child.

Thanks Ben for sharing your experiences and successes with us all and good luck for the future and all it holds for you.

Sarah-Jayne Bass (formerly Caroline Hensby) -